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Therapy Sessions



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Horsepaintings with pigments from nature, leaf gold and signs from the north and its nature



Det har været en gammel drøm at forene hestens umiddelbarhed og oprigtighed med udøvende musik. Det at være i bevægelse med hesten som tegn på stabilitet og etablering af dynamik har altid været en pæl i mit arbejde med hestene. (Connect your horse and dance in balance).

Opvisningen er til for at gå imod hast og hastighed- den er delt ind i tre stemninger og må gerne fremvise lethed - intuition- motivation og autencitet. Der er ingen forbehold- det drejer sig om at være i nuet. Derudover er vi altid i proces- det vi viser er øjebliksbilleder- hver gang er derfor unikt.

At være i det - kræver fleksibilitet og lysten til at lege

Det drejer sig om kropssprog og kropsbevidsthed samt timing-

Laver man fejl - "danser" man videre

Bevæg dine tanker og bliv bevæget i et lille frirum :)

Fra 2015 -  2019 er det blevet til følgende hestepoesi-opvisninger: 


Attraversare II

The Magic Horse




APM e. Penzel

Meridianmassage er en regulationsterapi og velegnet til alle heste. Ud fra en energetisk synsvinkel er forstyrrelser ved bevægelsesapparatet, i kropsfunktionen og i adfærd i første omgang forstyrrelser i kroppens energikredsløb. Gennem blid stimulation af akupunkturpunkter og hele meridianer kan sådanne forstryrrelser blive afhjulpet. Pris 650 dkr. Behandlingen varer en lille time. 

Har din hest brug ™for en god massage eller matcher følgende indikationer?

Nedsat præstationsevne •  Uforklarlig halthed •  Anspændthed •  Takturenheder •  Uvillighed ved opsadling •  Blokader •  Nervøsitet •  Stress •  Traume •  Gamle ar •  Adfærdsvanskeligheder •Tics

Så kan meridianmassagen være vejen til velvære og bedre præstationsevne.

Connect your horse and dance in balance  
Om mig

Since my early childhood I have been fascinated by the ocean, especially the nordic sea, the horse and the power of colors. As a young adult I emigrated from South Germany to Denmark, became my own family, was a mother witness to see my children grow and become wonderful responsible adults and got a more mature person myself. 

For not so many months ago I became more kind to myself and got finally a better companion for myself. The tird period in my life has began and big changes are happening, It is about listening, keep the balance and the ongoing inner wisdom to be aware of who you are and how you want to be present the rest of your time on this planet. 

Quite big and interesting journey.

I love to communicate and to mediate in a kind and creative way.

First began there is no way back to be expressive in some way. No matter if the observer  does like what he sees. It just has to be done.

Through the last 16 years I have been teaching a lot of teenagers in several subjects, especially foreign languages, art, and cultural history of Europe.

Giving workshops in therapeutical archery and horse-assisted therapy to people with mental challenges have been a follower in my way of living. 

Two years ago I began playing the Handpan (Hangdrum). This fine instrument tells about your temper and constitution. Playing handpan is just like looking into a mirror.

In 2019 I did my first exhibition with contemporary mosaic art and it is still going on.

In 2023 there will be a combination of exhibition with MosaicArt, Horseportraits and Handpanplay. The first one will be given in Nysted at the Library from march'23. 

As a horserider I have always been on horseback and I have been combining this oasis with Horsepoetry, Liberty Work, Academic Riding/BB&KB.


Jeannette Runge

When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything. Lao Tzu










Stark sein, bedeutet fühlen können. 

Fernando Pessoa 

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